Divine Weapon
AXZ Episode 11[1][2]
The name given to Tiki after she was converted into a weapon by drawing power not from the stars of Earth, but rather the stars of the Heavens.
The form Tiki took acts like a protector created from energy and fashioned around her like armor, similar to the Symphogears worn by the Adaptors.
The appearance of this form is heavily influenced by her innocent and ridiculous dream
of being able to use the Divine Power to become human and bear enough children to make a baseball team.
At Adam's whim, although she would have done it for his sake regardless,
she became a murderous and destructive weapon with not even the slightest show of hesitation.
The true potential of this weapon is far beyond human comprehension.
It shares the perfect defensive ability previously displayed by the prototype, Youaltepuztli,
that negates any damage by sacrificing one of its existences in a parallel world.
However, even beyond that, it can also sacrifice one of its alternative selves,
and use the resulting energy as an overwhelming offensive attack that strikes like a storm.