GX Episodes 1, 2 and 4[1][2]
Currently only two of these terrifying automatons have been seen. Leiur, who pursued the fleeing Elfnein, and Phara, who assaulted Maria at the concert.
They have immense fighting strength, so much so that Kazanari Tsubasa, even armed with Ame no Habakiri, declared Phara to be a monster.
The names they were given appear to reflect special attributes and characteristics they hold, and it seems their creator Carol focused foremost on their functionality during the design process. In fact, despite being automatons, they are capable of speaking and expressing themselves almost exactly like a human. This is due to the fact that Carol used individual parts of her own psyche a base for each of their AIs.
XV Episode 1[3]
A term referring to the puppets utilized by alchemists.
Recently, the Autoscorer known as "Tiki" was discovered to be equipped with a relic known as the "Antikythera Mechanism," giving her the ability to observe, map, and record the movements of planets and stars.
The collected data covered a wide number of topics, including mapping the veins of the Earth and heavens, known as Leylines, as well as the location of a "coffin" containing an Annunaki's holy corpse.
XV Episode 7
The autoscorers confirmed to be part of the Magical Girl Incident were "Micha," "Leiur," "Phara," and "Garie."
Those four protected their master, Carol, and were made to record songs, similar to sheet music.
The process of their creation was full of trial-and-error, resulting in an area of the Château de Tiffauges being dedicated to rejected bodies to be used as spare parts should the need arise.
A large amount of energy was required for the divine power to fully materialize, and Noble Red attempted to use "Carol's body" to bypass the security and reactivate the rejected bodies.
They were successful in linking into the autoscorer's energy source, their "memories."
Noble Red's mistake was that one small existence, recognized to be their former master, did not want to die, did not want to give up on living.
The numerous incomplete Michas, Leiurs, Pharas, and Garies were able to travel against the current and recombine into relatively undamaged basic forms.
Despite their instability, they were able to once again reclaim their former figures.
It was not some sort of miracle, they were simply knights rushing to answer their master's call.
One could say they had more heart than even a human.
Their power was not what it once was, but they fulfilled their master's orders without hesitation or dissatisfaction.