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(added episode titles from the first three seasons)
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local symphogear = {}
local symphogear = {}
-- used as the base name for all Symphogear seasons
-- used as the base name for all Symphogear seasons
local baseNameJP = "戦姫絶唱シンフォギア"
symphogear.baseNameJP = "戦姫絶唱シンフォギア"
local baseNameLocal = "Senki Zesshou Symphogear"
symphogear.baseNameLocal = "Senki Zesshou Symphogear"
-- important to keep track of number of seasons for informative errors
-- important to keep track of number of seasons for informative errors
local seasonCount = 5
symphogear.seasonCount = 5
local seasonsJP = {baseNameJP, baseNameJP.."G", baseNameJP.."GX", baseNameJP.."AXZ", baseNameJP.."XV"}
symphogear.seasonsJP = {symphogear.baseNameJP, symphogear.baseNameJP.."G", symphogear.baseNameJP.."GX", symphogear.baseNameJP.."AXZ", symphogear.baseNameJP.."XV"}
local seasonsLocal = {baseNameLocal, baseNameLocal.." G", baseNameLocal.." GX", baseNameLocal.." AXZ", baseNameLocal.." XV"}
symphogear.seasonsLocal = {symphogear.baseNameLocal, symphogear.baseNameLocal.." G", symphogear.baseNameLocal.." GX", symphogear.baseNameLocal.." AXZ", symphogear.baseNameLocal.." XV"}
-- likewise keep counts updated as updating shit
-- likewise keep counts updated as updating shit
local seasonsWithEpisodes = 4
symphogear.seasonsWithEpisodes = 4
local episodeCounts = {13, 13, 13, 13}
symphogear.episodeCounts = {13, 13, 13, 13}
-- episode titles, lists are per season, episodes are in order
-- episode titles, lists are per season, episodes are in order
local episodesJP = {
symphogear.episodesJP = {
{"覚醒の鼓動", "雑音と不協和音と", "夜にすれ違う", "落涙", "なお昏き深淵の底から", "兆しの行方は", "撃ちてし止まぬ運命のもとに", "陽だまりに翳りなく", "防人の歌", "繋いだ手だけが紡ぐもの", "月を穿つ", "シンフォギア", "流れ星、墜ちて燃えて尽きて、そして――"},
{"覚醒の鼓動", "雑音と不協和音と", "夜にすれ違う", "落涙", "なお昏き深淵の底から", "兆しの行方は", "撃ちてし止まぬ運命のもとに", "陽だまりに翳りなく", "防人の歌", "繋いだ手だけが紡ぐもの", "月を穿つ", "シンフォギア", "流れ星、墜ちて燃えて尽きて、そして――"},
{"ガングニールの少女", "胸に力と偽りと", "終焉を望む者、終焉に臨む者", "あたしの帰る場所", "血飛沫の小夜曲", "奇跡――それは残酷な軌跡", "君でいられなくなるキミに", "繋ぐ手と手…戸惑うわたしのため…", "英雄故事", "喪失までのカウントダウン", "ディスティニーアーク", "撃槍", "遥か彼方、星が音楽となった…かの日"},
{"ガングニールの少女", "胸に力と偽りと", "終焉を望む者、終焉に臨む者", "あたしの帰る場所", "血飛沫の小夜曲", "奇跡――それは残酷な軌跡", "君でいられなくなるキミに", "繋ぐ手と手…戸惑うわたしのため…", "英雄故事", "喪失までのカウントダウン", "ディスティニーアーク", "撃槍", "遥か彼方、星が音楽となった…かの日"},
Line 17: Line 17:
{"バルベルデ地獄変", "ラストリゾート", "歯車が描くホロスコープ", "黄金錬成", "虚構戦域に命を賭して", "決死圏からの浮上", "ARCANA No.00", "過去と未来の狭間で", "碧いうさぎ", "アン・ティキ・ティラ", "神威赫奕の極みに達し", "AXZ", "涙を重ねる度、証明される現実は"}
{"バルベルデ地獄変", "ラストリゾート", "歯車が描くホロスコープ", "黄金錬成", "虚構戦域に命を賭して", "決死圏からの浮上", "ARCANA No.00", "過去と未来の狭間で", "碧いうさぎ", "アン・ティキ・ティラ", "神威赫奕の極みに達し", "AXZ", "涙を重ねる度、証明される現実は"}
local episodesLocal = {
symphogear.episodesLocal = {
{"Beat of Awakening", "Noise and Disharmony", "Passing in the Night", "Shedding Tears", "From the Bottom of a Dark Abyss", "Where Omens Lead", "Toward the Fate that Never Stops Assailing Us", "The Sunshine Leaves no Shadows", "The Song of a Sentinel", "That Which Our Clasped Hands Bind", "Pierce the Moon", "Symphogear", "Meteoroid— Falling, Burning, and Disappear, Then..."},
{"Beat of Awakening", "Noise and Disharmony", "Passing in the Night", "Shedding Tears", "From the Bottom of a Dark Abyss", "Where Omens Lead", "Toward the Fate that Never Stops Assailing Us", "The Sunshine Leaves no Shadows", "The Song of a Sentinel", "That Which Our Clasped Hands Bind", "Pierce the Moon", "Symphogear", "Meteoroid— Falling, Burning, and Disappear, Then..."},
{"The Gungnir Girl", "A Fierce, False Heart", "Those Who Crave the End, Those Who Brave the End", "The Place I Call Home", "Bloodstained Serenade", "Miracles are a Cruel Legacy", "To You, Soon Unable To Be Yourself", "Hold my Hand... Lest I Hesitate.", "Hero Story", "Countdown to the Fall", "Destiny Ark", "Piercing Spear", "In the distance, that day, when the star became music..."},
{"The Gungnir Girl", "A Fierce, False Heart", "Those Who Crave the End, Those Who Brave the End", "The Place I Call Home", "Bloodstained Serenade", "Miracles are a Cruel Legacy", "To You, Soon Unable To Be Yourself", "Hold my Hand... Lest I Hesitate.", "Hero Story", "Countdown to the Fall", "Destiny Ark", "Piercing Spear", "In the distance, that day, when the star became music..."},
Line 27: Line 27:
function symphogear.season (frame)
function symphogear.season (frame)
assert(frame.season <= seasons and frame.season > 0,"Invalid season number.")
assert(frame.season <= symphogear.seasonCount and frame.season > 0,"Invalid season number.")
return seasonsLocal[frame.season]
return symphogear.seasonsLocal[frame.season]
function symphogear.seasonJP (frame)
function symphogear.seasonJP (frame)
assert(frame.season <= seasons and frame.season > 0,"Invalid season number.")
assert(frame.season <= symphogear.seasonCount and frame.season > 0,"Invalid season number.")
return seasonsJP[frame.season]
return symphogear.seasonsJP[frame.season]
function symphogear.episode (frame)
function symphogear.episode (frame)
assert(frame.season <= seasonsWithEpisodes and frame.season > 0,"Invalid season number.")
assert(frame.season <= symphogear.seasonsWithEpisodes and frame.season > 0,"Invalid season number.")
assert(frame.episode <= episodeCounts[frame.season] and frame.episode > 0,"Invalid episode number.")
assert(frame.episode <= symphogear.episodeCounts[frame.season] and frame.episode > 0,"Invalid episode number.")
return episodesLocal[frame.season][frame.episode]
return symphogear.episodesLocal[frame.season][frame.episode]
function symphogear.episodeJP (frame)
function symphogear.episodeJP (frame)
assert(frame.season <= seasonsWithEpisodes and frame.season > 0,"Invalid season number.")
assert(frame.season <= symphogear.seasonsWithEpisodes and frame.season > 0,"Invalid season number.")
assert(frame.episode <= episodeCounts[frame.season] and frame.episode > 0,"Invalid episode number.")
assert(frame.episode <= symphogear.episodeCounts[frame.season] and frame.episode > 0,"Invalid episode number.")
return episodesJP[frame.season][frame.episode]
return symphogear.episodesJP[frame.season][frame.episode]

Revision as of 11:21, 13 June 2018

Gives access to standardised names for seasons and episodes, as well as easy access to the Japanese names.